Monday, August 28, 2006

Yawn, A Product Shot

Taken with Canon 5D

I have been aware that my posts are steadily increasing in length, and I want to address that. Part of my reason in writing these posts is to understand the concepts I am discussing myself, and quite often writing them down tunes ideas that I have and provides me with a better understanding of how I view things. The downside is that through this written exploration there are often many avenues that I need to explore to conclude. This can end up looking like waffle too drawn out, so I shall instead cut out all the shit edit more carefully after the facts and conclusions are closer to being arrived at. Promise.

One of the other functions of this blog was to post the photos that I am taking of the moment. So the photo shown here is what I have been shooting recently, sadly that means it is a rather dull product shot, but that is what I have been shooting.

Now that I have posted my own shot, I am satisfied that the balance of my shots.vs.others has been kept, so I can now do what I wanted to do but felt guilty for not posting my own photo for a long time and get on with posting part two of “Photo Of The Week, By Other People”.


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