Sunday, June 04, 2006

Ultimate Convergence

Quite by coincidence the subject of my post Epiphany #3012 has also been the subject elsewhere in the internet since writing.

First up came an article by Michael Reichmann entitled "When Pretty Isn't Enough". Having been a long time admirer of Michael's photography and his writing at the Luminous Landscape, I feel somewhat satisfied in my own conclusions - even though his photography is much more accomplished than mine.

In addition to Michael's article, and again I believe not related directly, there have this week been some related posts at Mike Johnston's site, The Online Photographer. As with Michael Reichmann, Mike is a superb writer of photographic pursuits and, although possessing a somewhat more educated eye in the world of the arts than I, appears to be a kindred spirit in terms of views on photographic subject. Although most of the postings, and uncommonly even most of the comments, are very well thought out and put together, there are two that relate specifically to my earlier post mentioned above. The first was contributed by Paul Butzi, entitled "Distrust of Beauty", which presents his concerns for the extreme reaction to the reluctance to shoot typically aesthetic scenes, in other words the trends of only shooting the un-attractive. Mike himself made a post, entitled "And Speaking of Definitions" a few days after Paul's, in which he expresses his opinion on the importance of truth and honesty rather than some indefinable beauty.

My point here is not to proximate myself with these guys, as all of them have infinitely more experience in writing, the photographic business and as photographers, but it in some way confirms to me at least that I am not alone in my beliefs and that the subject is one worthy of discussion.


Blogger wineblog said...

No idea what you are talking about, but sure sounds impressive.

Sunday, June 04, 2006 12:35:00 PM  

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