Sunday, April 30, 2006

Manifesto - Part One

I quite like the irony of this. I decided to publish a manifesto here of how I will post to this Blog - and I am starting it off by posting a picture which is in contradiction with the manifesto. Good start.

I decided that for the purposes of this Blog I will use photographs taken with my newly purchased Canon A620 - I did after all by it with this sole purpose in mind. However, the photograph shown above was not taken with this camera - for the fairly simple reason that it would have been nigh on impossible to do so.

So, to part one of the manifesto - which states that there will be no manifesto.

With all this in mind, I think a manifesto is fairly redundant. As another example, the manifesto would have stated that I would post and entry every day. Now that plainly will not happen. So what to do? I mean the whole purpose of having this Blog is to enforce some discipline in taking photographs which I enjoy, rather then those which I feel obliged to. I think the solution is to state some targets, objectives that can honestly be attempted to deliver.

So far, I think I am comfortable with the following, as time goes by I may expand:-
  1. Photographs will be taken with designated "Blog Camera", unless another camera is being used on that day for other reasons.
  2. Posts will be made every day - and when a day is missed this will not be an opportunity to slip into serial laziness.
Yep, I think that will do for now.

So now I have got the rules out of the way, and certainly stacked in my favour - time to commit to ether why I am doing this Blog. I think I will save that for tomorrow.


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